Motivational Maps in action.

Case Study: Department of Social Services

Department of Social Services

Business goal

Empower conversations and performance engagement strategies the Branch, aligning strategy and the development of highly focused and performing, connected teams, better leveraging diversity in motivation and skills.


The Department of Social Services exists to improve the lifetime wellbeing of migrants and refugees settling in Australia by responding to their specific needs, encouraging their independence and participation in the Australian community. The Multicultural and Communities Branch comprising around 40 staff, is responsible for development of multi-cultural policy, community cohesion, community programs, giving, volunteering and partnerships and multicultural community engagement.

The combination of individual debriefs, team debriefs and the branch planning session gave everyone an insight into themselves and their colleagues as well as a greater appreciation of the connections across the branch.

Yvette Sims - Branch Manager Dec 2016

Department of Social Services


The Branch included one on one Motivational Maps, with individual 30 minute debriefing session, followed by team 2 hour workshops and then a whole of branch strategy planning day.


In summary our Branch planning session with the Motivational Map Practitioner provided an excellent starting point for the development of a meaningful Branch strategic plan. I would recommend this program to include teams from the public, private and not for profit sectors seeking to improve motivation and move away from a siloed approach to their work. Overall, the content in our Branch team mapping workshops was excellent. The content was highly relevant in emphasising different ideas through activities. The illustrations, story and handouts was excellent. In relation to our ability to use the concepts and the content in the team map debriefing workshops this was extremely well appreciated and very good.

Motivational Maps practitioner: Darren Schaeffer Curijo