Motivational Maps® for individuals, teams and organisations
"Making the invisible visible"
Why use Motivational Maps?
There are many buzzwords going around at the moment, such as adaptability, innovation, and wellbeing, to name just a few, all of them claiming to hold the Holy
Grail solution to business success. However, none of these can exist without first having motivation.
Used by over 70,000 people around the world, Motivational Maps are an accurate self-perception inventory based on three clusters of motivation: motivation through
your relationships, motivation through your own achievements, and motivation through your individual growth. Motivation is directly correlated to productivity.
The more motivated we are, the more energy we have, and therefore the more productive we become. By harnessing the power of Motivational Maps, you can increase
staff performance, whilst also meeting their motivators, so they come into work energised and raring to go!
Motivational Maps are easy to apply. Completing a Map produces a personalised report for each individual. The report details their motivational profile, but also
provides pragmatic and actionable steps they can take to increase their motivation. This data can then be combined to create Team Reports and Organisation
Reports, giving individuals, teams, and organisations a shared language of motivation.
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